PTB is currently working on consolidating a standard for a digital calibration certificate.
This work is currently so far advanced that the PTB organized a workshop on the current status in Braunschweig at the beginning of June.
The current status of the standard was presented and open problems were discussed.
You can currently assume that once the standard has been finally adopted, it will be implemented on a large scale quite quickly.
The digital calibration certificate will replace the current form of calibration certificate in the near future. There are many reasons for this.
We would like to thank Mr. Maik Stotz from Stotz-Software for this video.
The video answers the following questions:
- How does the digital calibration certificate work?
- How is a digital calibration certificate structured?
- What do you need to consider for your calibration laboratory?
What is a digital calibration certificate?
A digital calibration certificate is a complete, machine-readable certificate.
A calibration certificate that is available in a specific data format and is fully understood by your calibration software.
This makes it clear that a digital calibration certificate is not just a PDF document or a scanned certificate.
The focus is on machine readability and analyzability.
The digital calibration certificate will also contain individual measurement data. In other words, you will also receive individual measurement data for externally calibrated devices in the future. You will also be able to transfer these to your database.
Furthermore, the digital calibration certificate ensures error-free and secure data transmission. This means that all data is transmitted in digital form. The error rate will be very low and work efficiency will increase significantly.
A secure and reliable digital signature ensures that changes cannot simply be made to the certificate.
Very important: The analog calibration certificate, i.e. the paper, will also be part of the digital calibration certificate.
How is a digital calibration certificate structured?
A digital calibration certificate is generated as follows:

If we look at the graphic, one thing stands out: There is no longer a media break.
Scanning or printing is no longer necessary. You can easily transfer all calibration data to your database
Basically, a digital calibration certificate is nothing more than an XML file that is digitally signed.
This XML file will contain the following individual areas:
- Administrative area: Who carried out which calibration and when? When is the device due for calibration again? These data are precisely regulated in the standard. It is specified which data must be included in the digital certificate.
- Calibration results: This part is only partially regulated. Individual results or calibration data can be added without specifications.
- Comments
- Document
What do you need to consider for your calibration laboratory?
A complete return to the primary normal is planned.
It is also planned that all test equipment will be given a globally unique ID. However, this will be difficult to implement in the coming years. For globally unique IDs, a certain management infrastructure must be in place.
Another important point is that the digital calibration certificate should be available completely free of charge. PTB does not see the digital calibration certificate as a business model.